Well, I haven't blogged in a while life has been full! So tonight seems like a good night to start writing again. I feel silly yet would rather err on the side of caution then have something happen which i could have helped prevent.
So i was sitting in my living room watching a movie, the kids are all sleeping, the house is quiet and Judah is at work when i start getting this strong smell of smoke. So i jumped up thinking oh no maybe i left something on the stove or i had left some fake flowers touching one of those desk lamps in the kids bedroom maybe it got to hot and is smoking. But after a quick walk around the apartment i knew it wasn't coming from anywhere in here. I then called judah, called the manager (who didn't anwser) and then called the fire department. Then I called the manager again just to tell him that the fire department was sending some guys out to check it out.
Well, three firemen and the manager walked around my (partially cleaned) apartment. Saying it smelled like food, maybe it was coming from upstairs. I felt silly mostly cause by the time they got here it didn't smell that strong anymore and the haze was mostly gone so i felt like i called them for nothing.
Ah well, better safe then sorry and thankfully the kids slept through it all I love how sound sleepers they are!
Well goodnight for now!