Friday, May 29, 2009

ha ha...well, i am still trying to figure this thing out and judah reminded me the other day that i still haven't written anything new. so while the kids are in their room (i put them down 3 hours ago and aside from enoch they have yet to fall asleep), the dishwasher is loaded and running and i haven't yet decided where to start next, i will write something now.

We applied for an apartment in Queen Anne (a neighborhood in Seattle), only to find out yesterday that the guy renting it has to much on his plate and doesn't want to rent it out any more right now. So, we decided to apply for the second apartment place on our list which is in Magnolia (another neighborhood of Seattle). I've had to stop myself often from getting annoyed at the guy from the first apartment place or think he just used that as an excuse because he didn't want to rent the place to a young family with kids...but we prayed for God to close the door on this apartment, make it fall through for "whatever" reason if we were not supposed to be there. And he did so i've got no reason to be annoyed but joyful that God answered our prayers and that if we get approved for this next apartment then God has a reason for us being there instead of the first place! So (I hope) by monday we should hear back from the managers if we got approved.

I am really looking forward to moving up by SPU, everything we do will be much more central and a lot easier for us to build relationships, invite people over and whatever else the Lord has for us up there and no more commute for judah!

Well, that's all for now, i need to take advantage of the kids napping Enoch's been out for almost 4 hours!! Jaelle and Josiah just fell asleep... so i doubt my quiet will last for much longer.

1 comment:

  1. I kept thinking the same thing (about Edo) and coming back to the same conclusion.
