Monday, November 30, 2009

in christ or in sin

i was just listening to a message by Ken Ortize (definitely my favorite pastor to listen to) he has been going through 1 John and although it has been a month or maybe even a little more since i last listened to a message not even 10 minutes into it and i was struck by something he said. I don't think i can exactly quote what he said but this is the jist of it.
We only become significant when we are in the will of God for our lives. He used examples of Moses and Abraham where the bible doesn't record huge chunks of time in there lives but only the times when they were doing, acting, in God's specific will for their lives.
Anyways, there were a few other things that stuck out but that was the main one and i need to go work out and then off to bed, i have to get up and take Josiah to the bus in the's been a lazy week of vacation with many days of sleeping in so I am praying i get up in time tomorrow.


  1. Hmmm, I was just thinking about the "only what's done for Christ will last" saying when I was on patrol tonight.

  2. Interesting about Moses and Abraham... thats something to think about.

    Hope you're having a productive day!

  3. It is exciting how when we obey we are honored by being a part of his plan.
    glad to hear you are being rested.
