Sunday, April 25, 2010


So I've finally "seriously" started potty training Enoch. Once i actually just started doing it, putting him in underwear and all that, it all started coming back the things i did with the other two to potty train them. Something weird and I don't quite understand ( but I do remember similar behavior with Josiah) is this irrational "fear" or resistance to pooping on the toilet. So he didn't go yesterday and i knew he needed to today so all day i've tried to get him to go on the toilet...(peeing we've got down it's just the #2 that's a big issue) and i needed to go to the grocery store so I figure he's done pretty well staying dry all day so he'll be fine for a quick trip to the store, well i am sure you can guess what happened! Right in the middle of or trip, he's in the back of the cart (mind you no pull-ups just underwear) he does it in his pants, and not just pee but he finally poops. Ughhhhh! Luckily, thankfully! We were in the front of the store and today i had gotten a parking spot also right in the front of the store so it was just a quick run out to the van to change him into a diaper and clean pants...yuck! I will be thankful when the potty training is over.

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