Friday, January 14, 2011

The Lord is good!

Thank you so much to everyone who has prayed for us, offered help, sent condolences and encouragement!

My prayers were answered in that I did not have to wait very long for my body to figure out what was going on ending the pregnancy and completing it's process of restarting. Tuesday evening is when it happened. I prayed that it would happen before Jaelle's Birthday which was Wednesday and before Judah had to go back to work/school which also was Wednesday (for school and friday for work). So many, many things to be grateful for, especially in the all the little things that have happened and in realizing how much harder losing this baby could have been for us, grateful to be able to see some ways God has had mercy on us.

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12


  1. Praise the Lord. I have been praying. I also have been checking your blog once in a while with nothing to show for it. : ( You are back, and I like it. I love you and will continue to pray for your family to grow in God's perfect timing.

  2. Hi Brandy,
    Jake and I are so sorry to hear that you guys had a miscarriage. Beth told me about it and I meant to contact you sooner but got really sick:( I praise God that He has provided you all with comfort and I pray that He will accomplish his promise to give you peace. I really appreciated your blog about your feelings as I have had fears of miscarrying with both pregnancies but can not imagine what you all have gone through. Jake and I think of you guys often and wish we could see you again. Love you,
