I just got an email from Josiah's teacher saying they sent home a little girl in his class with a confirmed case of Chicken Pox. She has had the Varicella Vaccine (so has Josiah) and the nurse said she didn't feel sick because of that until now that she broke out with the pox this morning.
Interesting, I have wondered about this I remember when I was younger that is was such a big deal to make sure your kids got the chicken pox, (chicken pox parties, expose siblings if they hadn't gotten it yet, etc.) now a days because of the vaccines I hardly ever hear of kids getting chicken pox.
I know i've had it twice and when Luke was younger is when it started changing, when the vaccine was becoming more popular. According to Wikipedia the vaccines started to be given in 1995. We have entered a period where the effectiveness of the vaccine can be gauged. If you are interested in this check out Varicella Vaccine in Wikipedia. Well, hopefully Josiah won't get chicken pox!
And yet, she still got chicken pox. What gives? And if the vaccine works, then why did they send her home? They should have sent the kids who hadn't been vaccinated home if they were really confident in the efficacy of the vaccine.