Sunday, October 11, 2009

Okay so it took me a little longer to get frequent this blog site again. It seems to have turned out to be a very busy week. Thursday I went to Women's Bible study which has just started. It's a beth moore study which i haven't decided yet how well i like it yet but i go to women's more for the fellowship then the studies. Friday Josiah had the day off of school so we invited some friends from Kent to come up and go to the zoo with us and they did. It was a fun but a little on the crowded side so not quite as enjoyable as when it's just me and the kids or judah, me and the kids ;-) And all the kids have a touch of a cold. The week has gone by really fast. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I liked being mostly with my family too.

    That's a good attitude to have about the bible studies.I had had a Beth Moore study too and it was encouraging for me at the time. I think I like just being around women who love the Lord too.

    Its nice to hear how you are all doing.

    Hope the kids feel better!
