Saturday, October 17, 2009

It's another rainy day and the sparrows are chirping like crazy right outside, beautiful morning!
I have set a few goals for my self this week, month actually. I am trying to get in shape (and lose weight) and also to finish reading all the way through the bible. I've come to realize that my walk with the Lord and more specifically how well i am doing in it is very closely connected with the other disciplines in my life. Example, if my house is a mess and I haven't done a workout in more then a few days most likely I have not been spending time reading my word either.
But if and when i am faithful with my job, my responsibilities, as a wife and mother in regards to keeping up on house work, reading to the kids and spending time with them playing or just doing stuff with them that doesn't involve having a movie on and also when i have been consistent with exercise then it's that much easier to be consistent and faithful with reading my word and spending time in prayer. My "calling" is to be a wife and a mother so it makes sense to me that when i am being faithful to that calling when i am being obedient in the little things then i will be faithful and obedient with the bigger things.
Just ramblings anyway my goals right now are to lose 5lbs and finish reading through the bible (I am just finishing 1 Corinthians) before I start watching any more tv shows on the computer, (with a few exceptions in moderation) and the second thing is to try and do a work out 20 min or more six or seven days a week for 30 days and I started this challenge/goal on the Oct. 13th. (I've got about 25lbs to lose)
Anyhow that's where I am at! Now I am going to go read my bible and enjoy the rest of this cloudy and rainy morning!


  1. thats very encouraging exhortation.
    Being faithful in the small things.
    I should set some goals too.
    Although its at this point unreasonable to set a goal to lose weight because Jezreel is a fabulous cook and can you imagine what it is like for a woman not to have to cook and actually have someone cooking for you and not just cooking for you but making things like cake and chewy candy like cookies and breads of all sorts. Also who knows how much longer he will be here so I will love it as long as I can.
    But I think I should pray and read my bible, you know at regular times every day.

    Shalom Beshem Yeshua!

  2. You are one AWESOME daughter in whom I am proud to see you mature into a lovely young woman who desires to know God and be a great mom!
    Love ya!
