Thursday, March 17, 2011


Today during our Women's bible study, one of the ladies spoke for St. Patrick's Day Bunch and her topic was writing your testimony. Now she is a writer/editor and although her content was good you could tell that speaking was not something she was totally comfortable with and who is right?? It was good stuff though and got me thinking about this blog and what the Lord is doing in my life lately... there has been no huge life changing thing but lots of little things that i am sure if I were a little more consistent with recording those things as they happen might prove to be something that ends up being a bigger thing he is doing with me!
So, I am committing (to myself mainly) to really make an effort at this writing because although I am not a "writer" I do enjoy writing when i do it and I want to be able to "recall, the works of his hands"

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I'm glad to hear it.
    I don't think that Christians often realize how encouraging their thoughts are whether full of hope, or doubt or struggles or victories.
    For me it helps me to see I am not in this alone.
    Looking forward to it!
